Come into my heart
Come into my heart
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus
Come into today
Come in to stay
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
As you lit the candles today did you notice what happened? Yesterday you extinguished the candles and it left dark smoldering wicks. But today as the flame on the matchstick drew near, the wick burst into flame and gave off light and warmth.
Then God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be from her.” Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, “Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Genesis 17:15-17)
Abraham and Sarah saw the light. There bodies - old and beyond childbirth - were given new life and a new son. Years earlier they had tried to answer God's promise of offspring and Ishmael was born. But only God can birth Isaac. There is a promise made regarding the coming Messiah (the light of the world) in Isaiah:
“Behold! My Servant whom I uphold,
My Elect One in whom My soul delights!
I have put My Spirit upon Him;
He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles.
He will not cry out, nor raise His voice,
Nor cause His voice to be heard in the street.
A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth." (Isaiah 42:1-3)
My Elect One in whom My soul delights!
I have put My Spirit upon Him;
He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles.
He will not cry out, nor raise His voice,
Nor cause His voice to be heard in the street.
A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth." (Isaiah 42:1-3)