This morning Lonnie Lavender was in my office. Lonnie is an executive council member for the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network, and heads up, with his wife Annette, War Cry Ministries. He shared this word which I immediaitely exhorted him to write out so I could share it with you.We are in the, Now Time, of crossing over. We are coming to the end of the year 2010. In years past, when we entered into the new year we would pray for the first couple weeks to see what God was saying for the year ahead and where we were going. But this year God says, the time is now. It is time to cross over and be ready to go on January 1st.
Just as in the book of Joshua, we need to pray and cross over before midnight December 31st this year. We need to be on the other side and ready to go. One of the first things Joshua did when they crossed over the Jordan was to be circumcised as instructed by God. Today when we hear that word we might think one thing, but God is saying another. We need to cut off the 2010 season, and all the stuff we picked up, and hear God. He is asking “what is the Jericho, that is blocking our path this season?”
On January 1st, I believe we will hear the word of the Lord, about what is our Jericho - corporately and individually. He will also show us what it will take to remove our Jericho and move forward in this new season. We must hear the word of the Lord because we haven’t been this way before. This is a time when like never before we must hear the words of Moses in Exodus 33:15 “If Your presence does not go with Us, do not bring us up from here.
This season we must hear the voice of the Lord, and move out as He leads.
Lonnie Lavender
It is time to enter into the land. It is time to lay hold of the promise! It is time occupy for the Kingdom of God.