Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Troops are Mustered

At the beginning of our appointment a cold wind was blowing and the sky was dark and overcast.  By the time we finished the wind was warm and the sun was shining on us.  We were gathered under a majestic oak tree about 8 miles outside of Gonzales, Texas.  The Lord has instructed us to revisit key locations on the Texas Independence Trail.  It is the 175th anniversary of Texas becoming a Republic in 1836.  But our assignment is not so much about those days of independence as much as what the Lord is accomplishing prophetically in His church in this hour.  He is calling His bride to arise and come into her destiny as His Kingdom comes forth.

The issue regarding the bride was highlighted again on this trip as we were reminded that those "grandpas" who first pulled a cannon to the banks of the Guadalupe River in order to thwart a threat by Mexican troops carried a special flag.  The "Come and Take It" flag was put together using a wedding dress of one of the women in Gonzales.

And now we were gathered once again in Gonzales.  But the scenes have changed.  The news of the Alamo has reached the ears of Sam Houston, his troops and the citizens of Gonzales.  General Houston gathers those citizens out to this oak tree and then burns Gonzales to the ground.  He musters the troops as an army.  He sends a courier to Colonel Fannin in Goliad to abandon his post and head east.  Fannin procrastinates and two weeks later his entire troop, except a few, are executed via Santa Anna's orders. 

Houston proceeds to give orders to his army and moves east on the "Runaway Scrape" to a final victory at San Jacinto near present day Houston.

Our task consisted of the following acts:

First, we revisited the old jail museum in downtown Gonzales.  In that jail are gallows.  We prophetically declared that on March 14, 2011, Haman was hung.  On February 12, 2010, Rabbi Curt Landry prophesied over me:   
Texas needs to receive this anointing as Esther to be used as a Deliverer, and the purpose is to hang Haman on his own scaffold. And the spirit you are battling in the states is a Haman spirit. It is a spirit that wants to annihilate and kill the Judeo-Christian root. The Lord says, “I have anointed Texas with its wealth and its influence that it would rise up at a time as this, and it would go to the king.”
Gathering at this oak tree was a prophetic act of declaring the end of the rule of Satan's tyranny and the raising up of God's army - the bride of Christ. After Haman was hung, the Jewish people were freed to fight against a previous decree calling for their annihilation.  They rose up in victory.  And so will we.

At the oak I mustered the troops.  I specifically called on the intercessors and leaders of Gonzales to once again step into their destiny of volunteerism.  They were the only ones who answered Colonel Travis' plea from the Alamo.  We also anointed the Jehu generation.  We had nine persons representing ages 17-31.  The Lord had previously revealed to me that he was raising up a Jehu generation of warriors (check out 2 Kings 9:1ff to catch the spirit of that anointing).  Jehu annihilated Ahab and Jezebel and all the power of Baal.  The "grandpas and grandmas" under the tree anointed and pledged to mentor and fight by these young warriors.  We finished the day by "crossing the line" and answering a roll call to serve.  The names of Texas cities (all represented under the tree) were called out including Austin, San Antonio, Victoria, Hallettsville, Corpus Christi, Cos, San Marcos, Arlington, and Fort Worth. 

Six of us then went to Goliad (the massacre did not take place until March 27, 1836) to break off confusion and the lack of decisive vision and strategy portrayed through Colonel Fannin.  We proclaimed Jesus as the only fortress that would protect us.  We called out the destiny for Texas and our nation that rested on General Zaragosa who was born in Goliad.  He was but seven years old when he witnessed the execution of Fannin's troops.  He was a cousin of Texas hero Juan Sequin.  He would later defeat troops led by Santa Anna, but more importantly, he would command the victory at Puebla, Mexico against the French armies of Napoleon - Cinco de Mayo.

It is time!  Gather as a kingdom!  Connect with your brothers and sisters.  The troops are mustered. 
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