Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Last night, representatives of the fifty states (Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network) were on a conference call as a "Declaration of Freedom" was read.  The Declaration dealt directly with the issues of Human Trafficking and Abortion.  You can read and declare it below.  Remember to read it in the context of two decrees that have been declared by all the fifty states regarding our "Divorce from Baal" and the "Writ of Assistance." Both of those documents can be downloaded and read at


We declare that our God is the God of Life, and has specifically instructed us to choose life.  We declare that God is the giver of life and He Himself has breathed into us the breath of life. 

We declare that God sent His Son into this world empowered to set the captive free and to set at liberty those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18-19).  He has declared those words are fulfilled.  We render Judgment on the earth this day that this is the Word of the Lord and it stands as the Judgment of God upon all who would resist.  He is pure and His Judgment is pure, and must be obeyed in Heaven and on the earth. (Daniel 7:9-11)

We declare that God takes pleasure in His people and He places on us His victory as we praise Him and are faithful to His word.  He has placed that victory in our hands, so we bind the earthly forces and execute His judgment faithfully. (Psalm 149)  We announce great peace on those who love His Word (Psalm 119:165), freedom on those who have been bound, and prosperity shall follow them (Is 54: 13-14).  We declare God is with you and no one shall shame you or confuse you (Is. 54:14-17), you are free.

We affirm the God ordained rights of every child to live free of enslavement of predators to use them and their bodies, for the purposes that do not honor God’s gift and call on their lives.  We abhor human trafficking, gangs, incest, pornography, and the theft of their youth.  We call over them the promise of God to write His Will upon there hearts that they may know Him and His eternal love for them  (Jer. 31:33)  From the smallest to the greatest, we affirm God’s forgiving grace and His everlasting love (Jer. 31:34)

We judge the mountains of the earth over government and education and declare you shall protect the innocent and bring down the abuser.  We announce freedom from the deception of darkness that one can gain anything from the bondage of another human being and declare even the abuser can be set free of that deception and enter into God’s amazing grace.

This is our Decree and our Judgment: Where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is Freedom (2 Cor. 3:17). We call and dispatch the Spirit of the Lord into every place where any child for any reason is held in bondage or abuse.

Lord, enforce your will in the earth in the faithful decree of your Church.


Composed by Dr. Jerry L Mash of OAPN, HAPN

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