Here is the Texas Fast Forward Prayer Guide for this week! A big thank you to our TXAPN Apostolic Team for helping to compose it (Ken Bryan, Merrie Cardin, Gwen Aldridge, Bob Long, Lonnie and Annette Lavender)
You may have to join (free) at to view it!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Election Response by Dutch Sheets
Here is an Election Response by Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries
November 15, 2012
Response to the Presidential Elections of 2012
By Dutch Sheets
It has been a week since the presidential elections in America. Many have asked me for a response. I felt it wise to wait a few days in order to think, process and prayerfully consider my opinions. And though it is probably impossible to filter out all of my own thoughts, theologies and paradigms in order to hear only the Lord’s, I have made a great effort to do so.
The waiting has also allowed me to read and process numerous responses from other spiritual leaders, which has been beneficial. As you can imagine, there are several views among these leaders as to why Barack Obama won the election. I have decided to use theirs to frame mine. This is a longer than average response, but I believe many people would prefer clear, thoughtful responses at this crucial time:
1) Some are saying this election is simply a sign of the end-times, that we are marching toward Armageddon, and nothing can be done to stop it. In their thinking, it has all been pre-planned by God.
Without arguing eschatology, I’ll simply state this isn’t my view, and that my theology allows considerably more time to accomplish much before the Lord returns.
2) Another position I’ve heard often is that God is sovereign, so we shouldn’t worry about the results. These individuals’ definition of God’s sovereignty means that He is in control of everything, therefore they contend that nothing happens on earth which He doesn’t cause or directly allow. To them, the results of this election must be God’s will and His purposes will definitely be accomplished. Their bottom line response then, is, “Don’t worry about it. In fact, rejoice.”
Those who espouse this doctrine can often be heard making statements along the lines of, “Put your faith in God, not a leader or political party. Regardless of who wins—He is still on the throne and knows what He is doing. Trust Him.” This thinking comforts many, which is usually the context of the statements. Unfortunately, this theology also removes from us any responsibility for the outcome.
I struggle with this explanation, just as I do the first one. I don’t believe the fact that God is sovereign equates Him to being responsible for everything that occurs on earth. I contend that most, if not all, of what occurs on earth is the result of choices we humans make. Common sense alone dictates that many things will take place on earth today that are not God’s will, nor did he “allow” them for some unknown reason (i.e., murder, rape, immorality, idolatry, etc.). The solace we take from blaming bad things on God’s sovereignty is not only bad theology; it often breeds irresponsibility.
I can accept any encouragement to keep my faith in God, rather than a person or political party and I do, in fact, make every attempt to do this. This doesn’t change the fact, however, that it does matter greatly who is the President or leader of a nation. In fact, scripture makes very clear that entire nations were sometimes judged with great devastation (and others were blessed!) because of the actions of their leader!
3) The third explanation I’ve heard is that many of us simply have a wrong perspective about America and the election, a paradigm rooted in pride, nationalism and a desire for American exceptionalism. They contend that God is simply restructuring the nations, moving the chess pieces in order to accomplish His purposes, and America’s economic, spiritual and moral demise is all a part of this.
They further imply that those of us who endeavor to make a spiritual demand on what we perceive as America’s covenantal roots and promises—asking God to reconnect us to them—are guilty of looking back, not forward. Our appeals for the Lord to pour out His Spirit today, just as He has in our history, are chided as living in the past, not the future. Those of us who cry out for, prophesy concerning and believe that a Third Great Awakening is near are mocked as yearning for the past.
Let me say very clearly, I do believe an awakening has already begun, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will impact the world more than any in history. I believe this will include America, as well, impacting it on the scale of our First and Second Great Awakenings. I also believe America can be reformed, restoring us to our God-ordained purpose, though this will take years to accomplish. I believe these two goals—awakening and reformation—define my calling.
In light of the above criticisms, however, I have taken an honest and deep look into my heart and mind to see if my passion for an awakening in America is rooted in pride or nationalism. Is it, as the article stated, to keep America number one in wealth and power? I can honestly say that I never remember having such a thought. I weep, not over the potential loss of wealth, power or status, but over souls and the possible forfeiture of God’s purposes. I weep over 55 million aborted destinies, and the hideous potential of another 50 million. And I can truly say the intercessors and leaders I know well have the same motivations. I’ve never heard even one of them nostalgically lament the loss of America’s status. They are, in fact, some of the most unselfish people I know.
My response to those who would have us simply “move on” and “accept” the murder of babies and the loss of a generation to Hell—which is exactly what will happen if we don’t receive a Third Great Awakening—is short and decisive: never!
4) The fourth explanation offered is that America is being judged, and that Barack Obama and his policies are part of the judgment. The reasons given for the judgment are the inevitable result of God’s laws of sowing and reaping, and His determination to “wake us up” as a nation. Many of these individuals believe the results were inevitable—no amount of hard work or prayer could have turned the tide.
I certainly believe America is and will continue to reap judgment. And I believe the fruit from the reelection of Barack Obama will be our most severe judgment to date. Let us not forget that the political party Americans just voted back into power boldly favors abortion, homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and that they voted God and the support of Israel out of their platform. And, I might add, boo-ed when God was put back in the platform after the potential fallout was realized. God is not mocked, however, and will have the last word.
Our economy will suffer greatly. The financial devastation and quality-of-care deterioration associated with socialized medicine will be staggering; more liberal, pro-abortion, Constitution disregarding, anti-God Supreme Court justices will be appointed (meaning more babies will die, marriage will be dishonored and immorality will be defended); Islam will be emboldened; our military will be weakened; and devastations from natural disasters will continue and perhaps increase. This is the short list.
The fact that Obama is a judgment, his policies will increase judgments, and this will be used by God to turn America is clear to me. What is not so clear is whether or not the outcome was controlled by God as a part of His judgment, or if He was giving us another choice and we rejected it. I cannot agree that because America had gone too far, God mandated the outcome. I believe He was still offering America an opportunity for grace. We chose judgment, not God.
There were too many strategies, dreams and assignments given by the Holy Spirit for me to believe God was not offering us a different outcome. But we must always remember these things are just that—offers—not guarantees. God makes these offers, and then He watches and measures our response. This brings me to the final explanation I’ve heard.
5) The fifth and final explanation is there simply wasn’t enough desperation, prayer, repentance and humility on the part of the church in America. Others disagree, contending that millions prayed concerning this election, and there was enough. One leader boldly proclaimed he was positive there had been enough effort; therefore God caused Obama to be elected for other reasons.
Of course, only God really knows for sure if this is true; the rest of us are merely offering educated opinions. Personally, I’m not so certain there was enough effort by the church. I don’t believe God was looking for quick, easy, one or two sentence prayers offered up during our quiet times or normal church services. I’m afraid most believers in the United States are still looking for convenient, inexpensive answers to our plight. There are none. God was looking for sacrifice, passion and desperation.
To illustrate my point, how many congregations in America do you think turned even one of their services into prayer meetings? I can guarantee you not one in ten thousand did so. How many of them conducted even one church-wide prayer meeting? I would be surprised if the total time most churches gave to public prayer for the elections over the month leading up to it equaled even fifteen minutes. How many pastors prayed a total of an hour concerning the election? I’m confident I have international students who prayed more for this election than the average American pastor. I would exhort those who are “certain” there was “enough prayer” to be somewhat cautious.
There are times when God, in His perfect balance of mercy and justice, can save through the prayers of a small remnant. However, I believe He is asking more from us at this time in our history. Until the desperation and commitment of more believers is commensurate with our condition, I don’t believe He can heal us. Obviously, in order for this to happen, we will have to change the watered down, make-it-quick-and-easy version of American Christianity we created to grow our churches.
Finally, I want to address the question, “Were the efforts and prayers of those who did offer them simply wasted?” The answer is a resounding NO!
I woke up Wednesday, the morning after the elections, thinking of Wilberforce, the great English statesman who spearheaded the effort to remove slavery from the British Empire. It took him 40 years, but he and his co-laborers won the battle. They did so incrementally. God gave the same one-word encouragement—“Wilberforce”—to two other friends of mine on the same morning. Just as He did for Wilberforce and his fellow reformers, God is storing up every prayer we prayed, and every act of obedience we performed. Nothing was wasted.
It would also be appropriate to think that our prayers and worship accomplished nothing at the present time and will only be used later. The Holy Spirit spoke to another friend of mine the morning after the election saying, “Your prayers and worship did prevail…though not in the way you wanted. Because of them, however, I will now deal with this man who has mocked Me and My laws.”
Two more friends of mine had dreams in which Barack Obama was named Belshazzar (see Daniel chapter 5). This was the ruler in Babylon who saw a hand writing on the wall of his palace—as he and his friends were mocking God. The ominous message written by the hand of God was, “You have been weighed on the scales and found deficient.” The writing went on to say Belshazzar’s reign would end.
I don’t know what form the judgment of the Lord will take, but I am quite confident that God has put up with all of the mocking He intends to from Barack Obama, and that Daniel 5 is now his passage. I say this without malice or ill will, but nonetheless, confidently.
I encourage those of you who prayed and worshipped over this election—your prayers were not in vain. Just as surely as slavery became illegal in Great Britain—the day Wilberforce died!—we will prevail in our efforts to see America awakened. “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary,” (Galations 6:9).
Dutch Sheets Ministries
November 15, 2012
Response to the Presidential Elections of 2012
By Dutch Sheets
It has been a week since the presidential elections in America. Many have asked me for a response. I felt it wise to wait a few days in order to think, process and prayerfully consider my opinions. And though it is probably impossible to filter out all of my own thoughts, theologies and paradigms in order to hear only the Lord’s, I have made a great effort to do so.
The waiting has also allowed me to read and process numerous responses from other spiritual leaders, which has been beneficial. As you can imagine, there are several views among these leaders as to why Barack Obama won the election. I have decided to use theirs to frame mine. This is a longer than average response, but I believe many people would prefer clear, thoughtful responses at this crucial time:
1) Some are saying this election is simply a sign of the end-times, that we are marching toward Armageddon, and nothing can be done to stop it. In their thinking, it has all been pre-planned by God.
Without arguing eschatology, I’ll simply state this isn’t my view, and that my theology allows considerably more time to accomplish much before the Lord returns.
2) Another position I’ve heard often is that God is sovereign, so we shouldn’t worry about the results. These individuals’ definition of God’s sovereignty means that He is in control of everything, therefore they contend that nothing happens on earth which He doesn’t cause or directly allow. To them, the results of this election must be God’s will and His purposes will definitely be accomplished. Their bottom line response then, is, “Don’t worry about it. In fact, rejoice.”
Those who espouse this doctrine can often be heard making statements along the lines of, “Put your faith in God, not a leader or political party. Regardless of who wins—He is still on the throne and knows what He is doing. Trust Him.” This thinking comforts many, which is usually the context of the statements. Unfortunately, this theology also removes from us any responsibility for the outcome.
I struggle with this explanation, just as I do the first one. I don’t believe the fact that God is sovereign equates Him to being responsible for everything that occurs on earth. I contend that most, if not all, of what occurs on earth is the result of choices we humans make. Common sense alone dictates that many things will take place on earth today that are not God’s will, nor did he “allow” them for some unknown reason (i.e., murder, rape, immorality, idolatry, etc.). The solace we take from blaming bad things on God’s sovereignty is not only bad theology; it often breeds irresponsibility.
I can accept any encouragement to keep my faith in God, rather than a person or political party and I do, in fact, make every attempt to do this. This doesn’t change the fact, however, that it does matter greatly who is the President or leader of a nation. In fact, scripture makes very clear that entire nations were sometimes judged with great devastation (and others were blessed!) because of the actions of their leader!
3) The third explanation I’ve heard is that many of us simply have a wrong perspective about America and the election, a paradigm rooted in pride, nationalism and a desire for American exceptionalism. They contend that God is simply restructuring the nations, moving the chess pieces in order to accomplish His purposes, and America’s economic, spiritual and moral demise is all a part of this.
They further imply that those of us who endeavor to make a spiritual demand on what we perceive as America’s covenantal roots and promises—asking God to reconnect us to them—are guilty of looking back, not forward. Our appeals for the Lord to pour out His Spirit today, just as He has in our history, are chided as living in the past, not the future. Those of us who cry out for, prophesy concerning and believe that a Third Great Awakening is near are mocked as yearning for the past.
Let me say very clearly, I do believe an awakening has already begun, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will impact the world more than any in history. I believe this will include America, as well, impacting it on the scale of our First and Second Great Awakenings. I also believe America can be reformed, restoring us to our God-ordained purpose, though this will take years to accomplish. I believe these two goals—awakening and reformation—define my calling.
In light of the above criticisms, however, I have taken an honest and deep look into my heart and mind to see if my passion for an awakening in America is rooted in pride or nationalism. Is it, as the article stated, to keep America number one in wealth and power? I can honestly say that I never remember having such a thought. I weep, not over the potential loss of wealth, power or status, but over souls and the possible forfeiture of God’s purposes. I weep over 55 million aborted destinies, and the hideous potential of another 50 million. And I can truly say the intercessors and leaders I know well have the same motivations. I’ve never heard even one of them nostalgically lament the loss of America’s status. They are, in fact, some of the most unselfish people I know.
My response to those who would have us simply “move on” and “accept” the murder of babies and the loss of a generation to Hell—which is exactly what will happen if we don’t receive a Third Great Awakening—is short and decisive: never!
4) The fourth explanation offered is that America is being judged, and that Barack Obama and his policies are part of the judgment. The reasons given for the judgment are the inevitable result of God’s laws of sowing and reaping, and His determination to “wake us up” as a nation. Many of these individuals believe the results were inevitable—no amount of hard work or prayer could have turned the tide.
I certainly believe America is and will continue to reap judgment. And I believe the fruit from the reelection of Barack Obama will be our most severe judgment to date. Let us not forget that the political party Americans just voted back into power boldly favors abortion, homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and that they voted God and the support of Israel out of their platform. And, I might add, boo-ed when God was put back in the platform after the potential fallout was realized. God is not mocked, however, and will have the last word.
Our economy will suffer greatly. The financial devastation and quality-of-care deterioration associated with socialized medicine will be staggering; more liberal, pro-abortion, Constitution disregarding, anti-God Supreme Court justices will be appointed (meaning more babies will die, marriage will be dishonored and immorality will be defended); Islam will be emboldened; our military will be weakened; and devastations from natural disasters will continue and perhaps increase. This is the short list.
The fact that Obama is a judgment, his policies will increase judgments, and this will be used by God to turn America is clear to me. What is not so clear is whether or not the outcome was controlled by God as a part of His judgment, or if He was giving us another choice and we rejected it. I cannot agree that because America had gone too far, God mandated the outcome. I believe He was still offering America an opportunity for grace. We chose judgment, not God.
There were too many strategies, dreams and assignments given by the Holy Spirit for me to believe God was not offering us a different outcome. But we must always remember these things are just that—offers—not guarantees. God makes these offers, and then He watches and measures our response. This brings me to the final explanation I’ve heard.
5) The fifth and final explanation is there simply wasn’t enough desperation, prayer, repentance and humility on the part of the church in America. Others disagree, contending that millions prayed concerning this election, and there was enough. One leader boldly proclaimed he was positive there had been enough effort; therefore God caused Obama to be elected for other reasons.
Of course, only God really knows for sure if this is true; the rest of us are merely offering educated opinions. Personally, I’m not so certain there was enough effort by the church. I don’t believe God was looking for quick, easy, one or two sentence prayers offered up during our quiet times or normal church services. I’m afraid most believers in the United States are still looking for convenient, inexpensive answers to our plight. There are none. God was looking for sacrifice, passion and desperation.
To illustrate my point, how many congregations in America do you think turned even one of their services into prayer meetings? I can guarantee you not one in ten thousand did so. How many of them conducted even one church-wide prayer meeting? I would be surprised if the total time most churches gave to public prayer for the elections over the month leading up to it equaled even fifteen minutes. How many pastors prayed a total of an hour concerning the election? I’m confident I have international students who prayed more for this election than the average American pastor. I would exhort those who are “certain” there was “enough prayer” to be somewhat cautious.
There are times when God, in His perfect balance of mercy and justice, can save through the prayers of a small remnant. However, I believe He is asking more from us at this time in our history. Until the desperation and commitment of more believers is commensurate with our condition, I don’t believe He can heal us. Obviously, in order for this to happen, we will have to change the watered down, make-it-quick-and-easy version of American Christianity we created to grow our churches.
Finally, I want to address the question, “Were the efforts and prayers of those who did offer them simply wasted?” The answer is a resounding NO!
I woke up Wednesday, the morning after the elections, thinking of Wilberforce, the great English statesman who spearheaded the effort to remove slavery from the British Empire. It took him 40 years, but he and his co-laborers won the battle. They did so incrementally. God gave the same one-word encouragement—“Wilberforce”—to two other friends of mine on the same morning. Just as He did for Wilberforce and his fellow reformers, God is storing up every prayer we prayed, and every act of obedience we performed. Nothing was wasted.
It would also be appropriate to think that our prayers and worship accomplished nothing at the present time and will only be used later. The Holy Spirit spoke to another friend of mine the morning after the election saying, “Your prayers and worship did prevail…though not in the way you wanted. Because of them, however, I will now deal with this man who has mocked Me and My laws.”
Two more friends of mine had dreams in which Barack Obama was named Belshazzar (see Daniel chapter 5). This was the ruler in Babylon who saw a hand writing on the wall of his palace—as he and his friends were mocking God. The ominous message written by the hand of God was, “You have been weighed on the scales and found deficient.” The writing went on to say Belshazzar’s reign would end.
I don’t know what form the judgment of the Lord will take, but I am quite confident that God has put up with all of the mocking He intends to from Barack Obama, and that Daniel 5 is now his passage. I say this without malice or ill will, but nonetheless, confidently.
I encourage those of you who prayed and worshipped over this election—your prayers were not in vain. Just as surely as slavery became illegal in Great Britain—the day Wilberforce died!—we will prevail in our efforts to see America awakened. “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary,” (Galations 6:9).
Monday, November 12, 2012
Hurricane Sandy Aftermath
The work has only begun for those whose lives were devastated by Hurricane Sandy. I strongly exhort you to pass the word to all of Texas and the surrounding states to seek ways to help. One of the absolutely best resources is right here in Texas with Somebody Cares. Here is their link:
Pass the Word! Share His love! Donate today! Lets make a difference!
Dr. Thomas Schlueter
Prince of Peace House of Prayer, Pastor
Texas Apostolic Prayer Network, Coordinator
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sound the Shofar
Throughout the state and each of our sixteen regions of the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network - sound the shofar on this Reformation Day. Release the sound of worship. Call the nation into righteousness. Call the nation into alignment with God's kingdom and will.
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church of Wittenburg. He became the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation and has inspired millions of lives throughout history as a reformer in many nations.
It has been 495 years to this day! Not only will we celebrate, but we will gather together to pray this evening for a new reformation day in America!
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church of Wittenburg. He became the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation and has inspired millions of lives throughout history as a reformer in many nations.
It has been 495 years to this day! Not only will we celebrate, but we will gather together to pray this evening for a new reformation day in America!
Martin Luther himself said, "Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon." I know that we, as the church and the bride of Christ, must pray for our nation! The elections are less than a week away. We must arise to the occasion with legislative prayers and soul-burning worship! Cindy Jacobs
Friday, October 19, 2012
Be Expectant!
One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
To behold the #beauty of the LORD
And to meditate in His temple (Psalm 27:4)
He was jumping and chattering this morning before I took him to school. Today he was going to the zoo. He was making gorilla sounds and chattering like a monkey. As I thought about him, the tears came. Lord, make us that excited for You. Let us awaken every day with an expectancy to see Your face. And especially as we gather corporately at Your throne in worship - let our hearts pump with joy, excitement, anticipation and expectancy. We are coming before our God and King!
When You said, "Seek My face," my heart said to You,
"Your face, O LORD, I shall seek." (Psalm 27:8)
Friday, October 12, 2012
There have been several confirming words that declare that worship will be the key to breakthrough in this season. It is the key to keeping Texas secure under the bridal canopy.
See Dutch Sheets' word below. Cindy Jacobs and Dutch will be hosting Reformation Day worship at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas on October 31 at 7 PM. It is more than a gathering. It is an expression or worship and prayer that it meant to shake the heavens prior to the elections on November 6.
The City of Arlington is hosting a City-Wide evening of prayer and worship on Sunday, October 28 – the purpose – to come as one before His throne in order to worship and release righteousness into or city, state and nation.
I AM STRONGLY EXHORTING THAT EACH REGION OF TEXAS gather for some sort of expression of worship and prayer during the week prior to Election Day. The Lord will show you what to do. No formula – just worship. It might to large, small, city-wide or region wide. It might be worship offered the same night in homes or churches around your region. You pick the date and the method, BUT I truly believe we are being called to worship!
And let your worship be worship. This morning, Carolyn Hurst (intercessor and volunteer at Prince of Peace) shared a wonderful and powerful testimony of how the Lord commanded her to worship Him 45 minutes a day from July 17 through the end of November in 2000 (prior to President Bush's first election). It is was to be pure worship. She was not to use the time to intercede or to ask for anything (even in the songs). She was to be totally devoted unto Him. That's hard to do! Oftentimes our worship shifts into songs of "asking the Lord to do something for us." Let this be a season when we simply declare: "Lord, it is ALL about YOU!"
See Dutch Sheets' word below. Cindy Jacobs and Dutch will be hosting Reformation Day worship at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas on October 31 at 7 PM. It is more than a gathering. It is an expression or worship and prayer that it meant to shake the heavens prior to the elections on November 6.
The City of Arlington is hosting a City-Wide evening of prayer and worship on Sunday, October 28 – the purpose – to come as one before His throne in order to worship and release righteousness into or city, state and nation.
I AM STRONGLY EXHORTING THAT EACH REGION OF TEXAS gather for some sort of expression of worship and prayer during the week prior to Election Day. The Lord will show you what to do. No formula – just worship. It might to large, small, city-wide or region wide. It might be worship offered the same night in homes or churches around your region. You pick the date and the method, BUT I truly believe we are being called to worship!
And let your worship be worship. This morning, Carolyn Hurst (intercessor and volunteer at Prince of Peace) shared a wonderful and powerful testimony of how the Lord commanded her to worship Him 45 minutes a day from July 17 through the end of November in 2000 (prior to President Bush's first election). It is was to be pure worship. She was not to use the time to intercede or to ask for anything (even in the songs). She was to be totally devoted unto Him. That's hard to do! Oftentimes our worship shifts into songs of "asking the Lord to do something for us." Let this be a season when we simply declare: "Lord, it is ALL about YOU!"
October 10, 2012
Dear Friend,
Three weeks ago one of my daughters had a dream concerning the presidential elections. In the dream, she was attending a campaign rally for one of the candidates. (I'm not revealing which one because I don't want to politicize the strategy the Lord gave me through the dream.) My daughter stood in the receiving line of this candidate, at the halfway point of the line, waiting to shake his hand. When he came to her a shocked and panicked expression came over him. He re-gathered his composure and said, "You're the music lady, aren’t you?"
Boldly and confidently she replied, "That's right, I am."
He stretched out his hand to shake hers. When their hands met, his hand lost all strength and fell limp. He pulled it away, re-gathered his strength and tried again. Once more, he lost his strength and his hand went limp. This happened a third time, after which he was so shaken and frightened that he turned and walked away, not finishing the second half of the receiving line.
I believe the interpretation of the dream is obvious: the key to insuring that God’s choice wins this election is worship—the "music lady" is the worshiping Bride of Christ. As simple as it sounds, if the Church will worship over these elections, Psalm 22:3 and 149:5-9 will take place. This will remove the strength from one of the candidates and empower the other. Our worship will exalt the Lord and enthrone Him over our land. This is a simple yet powerful strategy.
Interestingly enough, some are already doing this. There is currently 40 days of 24/7 worship taking place on the White House grounds. You can find more details at I encourage you to support this. I will be going to DC at least once, perhaps more, to join them in worship.
Because of this dream, I am going to host A Night of Worship Over America at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, from 7:00-10:00 P.M. CST on Friday, October 26. I am asking believers all across America to join us via live streaming (, or even hold your own live worship gathering on the same night. Together we will exalt and declare the Lordship of Jesus over America, and release His will and His favor over the elections. Imagine this happening in every state simultaneously. The results will be powerful!
Help me spread the word. Let’s make sure God’s will is accomplished in these upcoming elections. "The music lady" will make the difference.
Running with Him,
Dutch Sheets
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Unlocking the Destiny
Last Saturday, September 29, I was honored and privileged to participate in America for Jesus 2012 in Philadelphia. According to the America for Jesus website, the gathering was...
A couple of weeks before we journeyed to Philadelphia, I received an impression from the Lord that I was use a key to unlock the destiny of the church and the nation.
Oftentimes when we are out on a prayer assignment I will search for keys for my collection. Knowing that the Lord was sending us to Philadelphia, I researched the National Park Service Site for Independence Hall and discovered that the visitor center gift shop offered a replica of the key which opened Independence Hall.
When Kay and I arrived in Philadelphia we journeyed to Independence Mall and I headed directly to the gift shop. I began immediately to proclaim that "the destiny of the nation" from this historical root was being unlocked.
One problem. As I arrived at American for Jesus on Saturday, I was told by the leaders that my portion of the event would be prayers regarding the deadly sin of gluttony. I had originally been assigned "slothfulness" which would have fit the theme of "calling the church and nation to new life or to wake up" but what I am supposed to do with gluttony? Before going on the stage, I was informed that Rick Torrison (the other coordinator from Texas) and I were to "CALL THE ARMY OF GOD TO COME FORTH!"
With the key firmly in my hand I unlocked the shackles that were on the church (corporately and individually) and called the church and the nation to come forth. I unlocked the church and released it into its destiny. I called the nation into its God-given destiny.
A solemn assembly to summon together the whole body of Christ to pray for the church and our nation. Based on the text in 2 Kings 2:19-22, we believe God is calling His people to bring “the salt” which is the church to the head of the waters where the foundation of our American liberty was birthed in Philadelphia and to intercede for God to heal the land. 2 Kings 2:19-22 19And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren. 20And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him. 21And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. 22So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake.You can read a press release regarding the event here!
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Independence Hall Replica Key |
The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; So he shall open, and no one shall shut; And he shall shut, and no one shall open. (Isaiah 22:22 NKJV)This did not surprise me. In the past the Lord has instructed me to use keys for prophetic acts. You might recall from previous blogs that my name Schlueter means "Keeper of the Keys of the Prison."
Oftentimes when we are out on a prayer assignment I will search for keys for my collection. Knowing that the Lord was sending us to Philadelphia, I researched the National Park Service Site for Independence Hall and discovered that the visitor center gift shop offered a replica of the key which opened Independence Hall.
When Kay and I arrived in Philadelphia we journeyed to Independence Mall and I headed directly to the gift shop. I began immediately to proclaim that "the destiny of the nation" from this historical root was being unlocked.
One problem. As I arrived at American for Jesus on Saturday, I was told by the leaders that my portion of the event would be prayers regarding the deadly sin of gluttony. I had originally been assigned "slothfulness" which would have fit the theme of "calling the church and nation to new life or to wake up" but what I am supposed to do with gluttony? Before going on the stage, I was informed that Rick Torrison (the other coordinator from Texas) and I were to "CALL THE ARMY OF GOD TO COME FORTH!"
With the key firmly in my hand I unlocked the shackles that were on the church (corporately and individually) and called the church and the nation to come forth. I unlocked the church and released it into its destiny. I called the nation into its God-given destiny.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Secure Texas - A Bridal Canopy Over Texas
The last time I shared about Secure Texas was over 200 days ago after we had completed 37 counties. We are now just 16 days from completion. Do you remember Secure Texas?
On February 5, 2008 the Lord woke me at 1:47 AM and said: "I am marking off each county for revival. I AM the God of the flood, of the wind and of fire." Later that morning at Glory of Zion prayers Chuck Pierce added, "each hill (county) needed to discover the enemy that the Lord wanted to remove from that that region so as to release revival fire." When my wife Kay and I were ordained on June 7 at the Pentecost Conference (Glory of Zion in Denton), Chuck Pierce placed at our feet the 254 stakes that will be used to Stake the Counties in 2008. We are decreeing that God will fan revival throughout our entire state and into the surrounding states. On November 11, 2011 the Lord began to speak of “securing the counties.” As we staked them in 2008, we are now to strategically deal with each county. We are to call forth each county’s covenantal purpose, and in doing so, raise up a bridal canopy over Texas!
Our opening prayer over each county has been: "Lord God Almighty, we come before Your throne on behalf of Texas and the Nation. Your court is seated. We approach You through the name of Jesus the Christ and His precious blood. We present before You the 254 counties of our state, in order that You, Lord, from Your court, will secure them with Your scepter – the scepter of the kingdom. Secure them, O Lord, in covenant with You. Secure them in righteousness. Release their designed destiny for Your Kingdom so that we may indeed be the voice you have called Texas to be. We make the following declarations in Your name. Let Your word go forth into _____________ County and Texas."
One of the declarations we have made is: "In the midst of drought, we plant the seeds of the kingdom. We declare that the cisterns, springs and rivers will open up and flow freely. There will be water on our roads." Last year, Texas was trapped in a devastating drought. But one year later, as we have dedicated our land to the Lord (county by county), the drought has been disappearing and there has been "water on our roads." The drought is not completely gone but it is going! In the midst of drought we will trust the Lord - we will worship at His throne - we will secure our land (Texas) in His promises! We are one state under God.
Join us in offering each county before Him in worship and humility. Let's secure Texas in Him. Let a bridal canopy be raised over this state as we present ourselves (the bride) before our groom (Jesus).
On February 5, 2008 the Lord woke me at 1:47 AM and said: "I am marking off each county for revival. I AM the God of the flood, of the wind and of fire." Later that morning at Glory of Zion prayers Chuck Pierce added, "each hill (county) needed to discover the enemy that the Lord wanted to remove from that that region so as to release revival fire." When my wife Kay and I were ordained on June 7 at the Pentecost Conference (Glory of Zion in Denton), Chuck Pierce placed at our feet the 254 stakes that will be used to Stake the Counties in 2008. We are decreeing that God will fan revival throughout our entire state and into the surrounding states. On November 11, 2011 the Lord began to speak of “securing the counties.” As we staked them in 2008, we are now to strategically deal with each county. We are to call forth each county’s covenantal purpose, and in doing so, raise up a bridal canopy over Texas!
Our opening prayer over each county has been: "Lord God Almighty, we come before Your throne on behalf of Texas and the Nation. Your court is seated. We approach You through the name of Jesus the Christ and His precious blood. We present before You the 254 counties of our state, in order that You, Lord, from Your court, will secure them with Your scepter – the scepter of the kingdom. Secure them, O Lord, in covenant with You. Secure them in righteousness. Release their designed destiny for Your Kingdom so that we may indeed be the voice you have called Texas to be. We make the following declarations in Your name. Let Your word go forth into _____________ County and Texas."
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Texas Drought - August 2011 |
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Texas Drought - August 2012 |
Join us in offering each county before Him in worship and humility. Let's secure Texas in Him. Let a bridal canopy be raised over this state as we present ourselves (the bride) before our groom (Jesus).
Monday, August 27, 2012
Pray for the Gulf Coast
First of all - yes, I'm back! I felt it was important that I cease from blogging for a season, but I am now back. My first priority is a call to pray!
As we know, soon-to-be Hurricane Isaac is heading towards New Orleans and the central Gulf Coast. It will most likely arrive in New Orleans seven years to the day after Hurricane Katrina crashed into Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. My spiritual ears are open to the Lord and though I am tempted to speak on the ramifications of the name "Isaac" and the number "seven" and a hurricane revisiting New Orleans - the Lord has made it specifically clear to me that we are to seek His face and pray!
As we know, soon-to-be Hurricane Isaac is heading towards New Orleans and the central Gulf Coast. It will most likely arrive in New Orleans seven years to the day after Hurricane Katrina crashed into Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. My spiritual ears are open to the Lord and though I am tempted to speak on the ramifications of the name "Isaac" and the number "seven" and a hurricane revisiting New Orleans - the Lord has made it specifically clear to me that we are to seek His face and pray!
Pray for His mercy!
Pray for His protection!
Pray for those caught in the path of the storm to seek the Lord for His shelter and life!
Pray for a rapid response of assistance to those harmed!
Declare that even though we travel through a valley, the Lord will be with us and
OK, I can't resist! One thing the Lord spoke to me on Sunday as Isaac was forming into a larger storm was this: "Remember what I (the Lord) did when Abram and Sarai were beyond hope for the promise of children. I brought forth a child named "laughter." When everything looks hopeless, God births the promise. And as He does - the heavens are filled with laughter - the laughter of derision (Psalm 2) at those who would oppose Him and a laughter of joy for those who seek His face!
Friday, February 10, 2012
My Blessings Are On The Way
We are in Day 36 of "Secure Texas." The Lord has decreed that we are to release His blessing into the heart of Texas - county by county. It is a season and a time to bless.
As I gave my offering to Global Spheres this morning, I received the following letter from Peter and Doris Wagner and Chuck PIerce. It clearly states what I can expect this month BUT also what Texas can expect. Read it. Declare it! Release it!
The Lord bless you and the Lord bless Texas!
As I gave my offering to Global Spheres this morning, I received the following letter from Peter and Doris Wagner and Chuck PIerce. It clearly states what I can expect this month BUT also what Texas can expect. Read it. Declare it! Release it!
The Hebraic month of Shevat is a time to shout, "My blessings are on the way!" This is also a time to declare DIVINE RECOVERY! Shout these words over your family! Shout these words over your bloodline! Shout these words over your neighborhood! Shout these words over your city and state. Shout long and hard for your children and those in the next generation. Shout over the supply lines that you need to open so your provision is released. Shout "divine recovery" over businesses. Divine recovery!
This is a month when the rivers are rising. Do not fear if the waters around you seem to be rising. Instead, declare that living water is being released which will allow your roots to be watered and sustained in a new way. We are decreeing you are being rooted and grounded so that you will stand firm in the season ahead!
This is a month when the almond tree blossoms in Israel. The almond tree is the first tree which blossoms, and marks the beginning of a new cycle. Cry out to the Lord for blossoming of the "new" within you. We are praying you will be very fruitful this year, and that as you blossom your fragrance will be an aroma of life in Christ.
Each month is also linked with a Tribe. Asher is the Tribe associated with this month. His name means "happy." Moses' blessing for Asher was, "Most blessed of sons is Asher; let him be favored by his brothers, and let him bathe his feet in oil. The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze, and your strength will equal your days." (Deut 33:24) Asher's territory was in western Galilee, the most fertile land in Canaan. We are praying that you will find this to be a time of great joy, and that you will praise the Lord for the many ways He looses blessings upon you this month and year.
The Lord bless you and the Lord bless Texas!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Healing Lands, Healing Hearts
Check out these upcoming events in Texas
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Secure Texas
Secure Texas is an initiative designed to pray specifically for each county of
Texas between January 6, 2012 and Rosh Hashanah 2012 in September. We
will start alphabetically with Anderson County. You can download the
PDF of our Secure Texas Prayer Guide here. I also encourage you to contact your TXAPN regional coordinator at to find out the day we will be focusing on your county. You can download a list of all the counties in alphabetical order
starting on January 6 (Note: On the form it will have the date listed in the following format - here.
Each day we will decree...
Lord God Almighty, we come before Your throne on behalf of Texas and the Nation. Your court is seated. We approach You through the name of Jesus the Christ and His precious blood. We present before You the 254 counties of our state, in order that You, Lord, from Your court, will secure them with Your scepter – the scepter of the kingdom. Secure them, O Lord,...... in covenant with You. Secure them in righteousness. Release their designed destiny for Your Kingdom so that we may indeed be the voice you have called Texas to be. We make the following declarations in Your name. Let Your word go forth into ____________County and Texas.

Lord God Almighty, we come before Your throne on behalf of Texas and the Nation. Your court is seated. We approach You through the name of Jesus the Christ and His precious blood. We present before You the 254 counties of our state, in order that You, Lord, from Your court, will secure them with Your scepter – the scepter of the kingdom. Secure them, O Lord,...... in covenant with You. Secure them in righteousness. Release their designed destiny for Your Kingdom so that we may indeed be the voice you have called Texas to be. We make the following declarations in Your name. Let Your word go forth into ____________County and Texas.
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