"A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out" (Leviticus 6:13).Convergence. It has begun! Seventy days of blessing. The fullness of blessing! The fullness of God's purpose.
Beth called me a few days ago to check in and spoke blessings on the next great wave and anointing that was about to come upon us. She was unaware of the convergence (covenant relationship) that was taking place with The Prayer Room in Arlington (24/7 prayer) and Prince of Peace. Last night that relationship started and was sealed with salt. The opening worship of this new season (the time known only to the Lord) opened this door of fresh anointing.
The fire of intercession and worship is burning. It will not go out. It will burn with commitment and passion. It will fan the flame of a new anointing of prayer that it is being released in our church, city, state and nation! Miracles, wealth and health are released. Jesus is King!